What’s up with the PG-13 name?

During the pandemic, a miscellaneous crew of triathletes and swimmers started gathering at the beach for ocean swims, since our pool was closed. We were introduced by Tony, our YMCA swim coach and a former professional triathlete who did guest spots on Baywatch in the 90s. 

It was a crazy time. We weren’t supposed to congregate at the beach, so we dove in the water, sometimes with our masks on! 

We originally met one another at the La Jolla YMCA. Gradually, we began to know one another just as many other swim pods did. I was inspired by the triathletes  in the group: Sara (Ironman), Maureen (Ironman), Kimmy (Ironman), Heather (Xterra Worlds). The swimmers (Scotty, Di, Monica, Lailani) and I thought it would be a good idea to have a DIY triathlon so they could continue their triathlon training; Sara thought it would help keep my anxious mama bear mind off of the fact that my son was now active duty military at the US Air Force Academy in his basic (freshman) year.

Sara and Tony mapped out a course in Coronado and Lailani, Monica, Di and I began running. But something happened when I was running, my foot wouldn’t work and I began to have problems with my gait. I made an appointment with a neurologist and I discovered that I had Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s wasn’t even on my radar. The doctor matter of factly said, It’s okay you have 7 years. 

I later learned she meant 7 years of mobility. I didn’t want my son to find out because he already had a lot on his plate.

Team SCHYT showed me generosity, kindness and bravery in the face of challenges. Along with the rest of the world, my challenges increased during the pandemic. With my brothers, I was a caretaker for my mom who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and my sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, both of them died in 2021. The thing I learned about during this time is that everyone is experiencing suffering. That’s a very Buddhist thing but it’s true. we have learned one another stories.

 So, why do we call ourselves team SCHYT? We decided to name our swim group “Swimming Hens” in reference to my mom’s Sitting Hens babysitting  group (Everything was so DIY in the 1970s). We added Y Triathletes because there are so many triathletes in our group. Now, when I say SCHYT, I think of my mom. The “C” is for our chap, Scotty; he’s our token male (We currently have adoption proceedings for his craft maven wife Jenn, too)